Walton Surgery rated as ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Walton Surgery has been given a ‘Good’ overall rating by the CQC, following an inspection on 13 August 2019.

Among the reasons behind the Surgery’s improved rating the CQC highlights:

  • Improvements had been made in relation to safeguarding, infection control and equipment calibration
  • Improvements had been made to ensure appropriate prescribing and monitoring of medicines, and that patients were followed up in a timely way, major and significant health needs were coded, and diagnostic reports were reviewed appropriately
  • The practice had started to use an appropriate tool to identify older people who were living with moderate or severe frailty
  • The uptake of health reviews for people with a learning disability had improved
  • Patients were supported, treated with dignity and respect, and were involved in decisions about their care and treatment

Walton Surgery was previously inspected in January 2019 and was then placed in special measures. It was rated ‘Inadequate’ overall, and ‘Inadequate’ for providing safe, effective and well led services, and ‘Good’ for providing caring and responsive services.

Dr Tom Curtis, Primary Care Medical Director for the Suffolk GP Federation, who manage Walton Surgery, said:

“The Surgery has been moved out of special measures, and is now rated good in all areas. This recognises the quality of care it provides, and reflects the hard work and commitment of all the staff at Walton Surgery. We are continuously striving to improve patient care, and the CQC report acknowledges the good work the team have done in a challenging environment”

Jan Garfield, a member of the Patient Participation Group for Walton Surgery, commented:

“This is wonderful news. So well deserved by all the staff who have worked their socks off to turn the Surgery around and achieve this amazing result. Well done to you all”

Dr Mark Shenton, chairman of NHS Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group, said:

“I very much welcome this speedy turnaround by the practice and know how hard the staff have worked to make it happen. Everyone was determined to deliver the necessary improvements. The CCG will continue to offer its support so the practice can carry on strengthening its primary care services.”

The CQC carries out regular planned inspections of GP practices across the Country. It provides detailed feedback and an overall rating of Inadequate, Requires Improvement, Good or Outstanding.

Individual ratings for Walton Surgery were:

  • Are services safe? – Good
  • Are services effective? – Good
  • Are services caring? – Good
  • Are services responsive to people’s needs? – Good
  • Are services well-led? – Good


The full report can be read here.
