Living in or near Newmarket? Now you can see a GP after work and at weekends
If you live in or near Newmarket and you need an appointment to see a doctor after work or at the weekend, then now you can.
It’s all thanks to the Suffolk GP Federation, which is expanding its GP+ extended hours service for people in that area. The service is commissioned by NHS Ipswich and East Suffolk and NHS West Suffolk clinical commissioning groups.
The Suffolk GP+ service already runs from bases in Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds, Felixstowe, Haverhill, Stowmarket, Wickham Market, Sudbury and Mildenhall.
Patients can ask for a GP+ appointment when contacting their doctor’s surgery. They can also be referred via the NHS 111 out-of-hours service and the ambulance service. Sessions are staffed by local GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals.
Paul Driscoll, Medical Director of the Suffolk GP Federation, said: “We have been running GP+ since 2015 and we are pleased that the service is continuing to expand. We know travelling can be difficult for those in more rural communities so having clinic bases all over the County means patients can reach the care they need.”
Dr Christopher Browning, chairman of the NHS West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “Increasing the number of Suffolk GP+ bases means more people across west Suffolk will be able to conveniently access a doctor’s appointment outside of usual working hours.
“This is a great step forward as we recognise it can be difficult, and sometimes impossible, for people to find the time to attend an appointment because of family, work or caring commitments.
“Access the service by asking the receptionist at your own GP practice during its usual opening hours.”
Opening hours vary across bases. Read more about GP+ HERE
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