Suffolk GP Federation’s Routine Sharing Partners and Providers
Below is a list of our sharing partners across Suffolk
Sharing Partners Across Suffolk
And below is a list of our service providers that process personal data.
Please click on the name for more information.
Equipment and Supplies
Patient texts
- SystmOne clinical system (TPP via NHSmail)
- AccurX
- Survey Monkey
Video Consultations
Pathology couriers
Patient notes transfer
Quality, performance, payment and safety reports
- East Anglian Diabetic Eye Screening
- Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group
- Synnova Business Solutions
- Public Health
Provision of IT systems and support
Provision of clinical systems
Medicines management
Provision of insulin pumps and support
Accounting and Finance
- University of Leicester – Diabetes Management App (MyDesmond)
- Medtrum Ltd – Insulin Management System
- Virtual Pharmacist – Supporting with medication reviews
- (added 6/8/23) – Proving ultrasound scanning services